Migration, social entrepreneurship and social inclusion

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N. Pagine: 326
Collana: Collana del Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche e Giuridiche – Università degli Studi di Messina
Anno di pubblicazione: 2021
Materia: Diritto amministrativo
ISBN: 979-12-5976-020-3




Migration is a structural phenomenon embedded in human history, but its management represents a relevant and unresolved issue. This is even more crucial when thinking of the consistency of the migration flows that have been continuously affecting Europe over the last decade and the conditions in which they take place, made even more dramatic by the current health emergency. This collection of essays offers different points of view in a multidisciplinary way, linked, however, by a common approach to migration research focusing on people and looking at the migration phenomenon as an opportunity, not as a problem to be solved. The result is a collective effort about theories and practices of inclusion linked to social entrepreneurship. It has been created thanks to the support of the “SIRSE: Social Inclusion of Refugee Youth through Social Entrepreneurship” Erasmus+ Youth project, funded with support from the European Commission. The book starts with a leading article featuring the implementation of the project in Turkey and its social impact on young people (Gülerce and Ökten). Furthermore, the book offers contributions about citizenship (Cambria) and, in addition, the recognition of social rights, beyond citizenship (Prudente). The case of Italy, one of the most significant in Europe, is examined to analyse policies and practices. Historical (Frisone), legal (Martines, Demir and Ok) and sociological points of view are expressed. The sociological aspects presented by some contributions aim at analyzing the main levers of inclusion (Raimondi, Toffle, Chashchinova, Lucchese), measuring its impact (Toffle, Mucciardi, Lucchese) and also looking at the role of operators as key figures of social intermediation (Tarsia). Moreover, an in-depth study is dedicated to unaccompanied foreign minors from a legal point of view (Astone). A key theme is also training and skill development. It is generally relevant to analyse investments for the development of any economic and social reality, and it is even more relevant to think about the value that emerges in the field of multicultural inclusion. Here, the theme of skill enhancement and the dynamics of access to higher university education for migrants, refugees and asylum seekers is further analysed from legal (Germanà, Girasella, Moschella) and sociological (Salvati, Scardigno) points of view. Worksite integration practices, such as in the agricultural sector (Mostaccio) and the aspects related to the development of resilience in young migrants from a clinical perspective (Merlo, Nato, Settineri) provide a comprehensive view. The book concludes by looking at the figure of the social entrepreneur (Ozturk), analysing social entrepreneurship linked to brand equity (Şahin) and focusing on the concrete experiences of social entrepreneurship of Afghan immigrants in Iranian universities (Tajpour, Hosseini, Alizadeh), and Bangladeshi entrepreneurs in Iran (Nercissians, Mahboob). Eighteen essays for a new vision and greater positive awareness of the migratory phenomenon will open up more productive future collaboration scenarios.

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