Rivista Giuridica dell’Ambiente 2022


Autore rivista  AA.VV.
ISSN 0394-2287
Numero dei fascicoli 4/2022

indice 1/2022 – 2/2022 – 3/2022 – 4/2022

ITALIA/ ITALY cartaceo 130,00 €
Singolo fascicolo Italia cartaceo 37,00 €
Singolo fascicolo Estero cartaceo 75,00€
ESTERO/FOREIGN cartaceo 300,00€
Prezzo singolo articolo 4,50 €

ISSN 0394-2287 COD: 0394-2287_2022 Categoria: Tag:


Codice Etico



Il cambiamento climatico: la prospettiva scientifica* 
Climate Change – Greenhouse effects – EUROCOLD 
In recent years an increasing evidence of changes in the climate has been observed, specifically regarding the terrestrial cryosphere. In order to understand whether these variations fall within the natural terrestrial climatic variations or if, on the contrary, they represent an anomaly with respect to the geological past, it is essential to make use of paleoclimatic and paleoenvironmental archives such as ice cores extracted from the ice caps of the polar regions of our planet (mainly Greenland and Antarctica). The physical and chemical parameters measured along the ice cores extracted from the polar ice caps are directly linked to the conditions of the atmosphere (and therefore of the climate) of the past, and in some cases it is even possible to analyze the bubbles of “fossil air” trapped in the ice. The main paleoenvironmental data that can be obtained are temperature and humidity of the air, chemical composition and dust content of the atmosphere, atmospheric circulation, solar activity and volcanic activity.


Fausto Capelli – Monica Delsignore – Lorenzo Schiano di Pepe


Stefano Nespor

Comitato direttivo

Paola Brambilla – Marta Silvia Cenini – Diana Cerini – Giovanni Cordini – Costanza Honorati – Valentina Jacometti – Angelo Maestroni – Eva Maschietto – Barbara Pozzo – Margherita Ramajoli – Carlo Ruga Riva – Tullio Scovazzi – Ruggero Tumbiolo

Comitato scientifico

Federico Boezio – Emanuele Boscolo – Sabino Cassese – Giovanni Cocco – Ada Lucia De Cesaris – Barbara De Donno – Joseph DiMento – Matteo Fornari – José Juste Ruiz – Paulo Affonso Leme Machado – Roberto Losengo – Maria Clara Maffei – Salvatore Mancuso – Giuseppe Manfredi – Alfredo Marra -Silvia Mirate – Massimiliano Montini – Stefania Negri – Marco Onida – Irini Papanicolopulu – Chiara Perini – Luigi Piscitelli – Michel Prieur – Susanna Quadri – Eckart Rehbinder – Ugo Salanitro – Giuseppe Tempesta – Bruno Tonoletti – Alberta Leonarda Vergine

Comitato di redazione

Giulia Baj – Simone Carrea – Letizia Casertano – Nico Cerana – Matteo Ceruti – Carlo Luca Coppini – Stefano Dominelli – Stefano Fanetti – Damiano Fuschi – Giulia Gavagnin – Adabella Gratani – Michela Leggio – Daniele Mandrioli – Carlo Masieri – Carlo Melzi d’Eril – Angelo Merialdi – Marsela Mersini – Enrico Murtula – Vittorio Pampanin – Giuseppe Carlo Ricciardi – Federico Vanetti

Coordinatore dei Comitati della Rivista

Ilaria Tani

In copertina: Cinghiale (Sus scrofa)

da Figuier, I mammiferi, Milano, 1892.

Informazioni aggiuntive

Peso N/A
Dimensioni N/A